Glenmont Church Ministries
Purpose - The church council shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church. The church council shall be amenable to and function as the administrative agency of the charge conference (¶ 244).
Ministry Teams
Adult Discipleship
Recruit teachers Adult Sunday School
Plan and coordinate small groups and
short-term studies
Altar Guild
Design and set up worship space
Prepare Sanctuary for special celebrations
Coordinate Flower for special Sundays
Obtain and set up Communion elements
Building and Grounds Maintenance
Care for the building
Odd jobs/work days
Maintain schedule of rentals
Children and Youth
Sunday School
VBS sub-team
During-worship engagement
Youth Group
Web site and social media maintenance
Publicity, visibility work
Worship communications
Congregational Care
Coordinate meals, rides, visits, & care cards
Prayer team
Coordinate after-church fellowship as well as pot lucks, picnics, and parties
Generosity Team
Plan annual stewardship campaign
Implement stewardship strategies
Outreach Ministry Teams
Arcola Nursing Home service
Good Shepherd School in Zambia
Community Breakfast
Thrift Shop
Sandwich Ministry
Christmas Angel Tree
Participatory Worship
Coordinate scripture readers
Recruit offertory prayer givers
Coordinate ushers, greeters
Communion servers
Coordinate counters
Coordinate acolytes and crucifers
Coordinate AV system-runners
Coordinate music