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Sunday Worship FAQ

Q: What time is worship?

A: Worship begins at 10:00am and generally lasts an hour.  Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:00am, or you can just come to the Sanctuary for some quiet reflection or to talk with other early birds.  After worship, we have a time of fellowship (snacks & coffee) in the Fellowship Hall, which is in the building adjacent to the one in which we worship.

Q:  What should I wear?

A:  Come as you are; there is no dress code.  As a multi-generational, multicultural church, our styles of dress are quite varied.  You will see slacks and sport coats, dresses, ties, jeans, button-down shirts, and t-shirts.  We strive to be respectful of each other's traditions and to welcome all people as Christ.

Q: What is available for children during worship?

A: Children are welcome in worship as beloved members of the Body of Christ.  A "Kids' Corner" just outside the doors to the Sanctuary has worksheets and materials that children of any age may take to the pews to have during worship.  There is a Children's Message toward the beginning of worship, during which all children are invited to come to the front for a special interactive lesson.  Please feel free to accompany your child if he or she is nervous about coming alone.

We also have a staffed nursery (just downstairs from the Sanctuary)  if your infants, toddlers, or young children would prefer to be there.    

Q: What happens during worship?

A: Our order of service varies from week to week, but you can generally expect congregational hymns (and some praise songs, as we expand our musical breadth) and music from our choir.  We pray in many ways and hear Scripture readings from both the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.  A sermon is offered by Pastor Kelly or guest preachers, and there is a time of offering our gifts to God through the work of the church (when we pass the plate.)  We celebrate baptisms periodically and Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month.

Q: May I partake in Holy Communion?

A: Yes. It is a practice of the United Methodist Church that all people who feel led by the Spirit are invited to receive the Communion elements. You do not have to be a member of our church or of any church.  It is also a practice of the United Methodist Church to use grape juice instead of wine, for the purpose of offering a safe and welcoming Cup to all people.  We have gluten-free bread options as well.  We offer Communion by coming to the kneeler and receive a piece of bread and an individual cup.  The elements can also be brought to you at your seat; our ushers will assist in helping those in their seats to receive communion. If you would simply wish to pray, you can come to the altar rail or stay in your seat during our time of Communion.  

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